Rise roleplay is making an effort to remain a sandbox for which your characters, ideas, and freedom in story come to play. In an effort to give our players more freedom we are open to all races of creatures barring those who do not fit our avatar appearance guidelines (listed below). This means you may play any race, form, or creation you can imagine.

Due to the city theme we will not be allowing any permanently shifted animal avatars or furries. It would not make sense for our story, or for the build as it is, though all manner of shifting creatures will be allowed inside Rise. All shifted animal forms have restrictions, and not all shifted form sizes are allowed. As designated on the rules page as well as below, we have found some of the most commonly used avatars to give examples, if you have one not listed, and are still unsure what the sizing restrictions on such can be, feel free to reach out to staff so we can assist and update our information accordingly. [this applies to any shifted creature, including but not limited to, Dragons, Werewolves, Insect forms of any kind, animal shifters, harpies, ect.]

You are allowed to have any range of abilities but be aware that you will still need to roll to hit any attack. No matter how powerful you are there is some risk of failure. We offer no restrictions on super human strength or speed, allowing for you to play your story as you enjoy. Just remember that if you’ve failed a roll, you have failed, no matter what abilities you house ICly. This is to allow us to keep a level of fairness amongst our players.  

We also do not subscribe to one set of lore. Vampires, Lycan, Were, and other groups may all have different stories of where they came from much in the same fashion as different religions. All of these stories could all be equally true as there has been no discovery in world to debunk these theories. Rise has given a way for creatures to pour out of any lore set you subscribe to, but be aware this does not mean we will all subscribe to the same lore. Each group is encouraged to work with and play their own version of the origins, aversions, weaknesses and needs as long as the Combat Rules are not violated.

=Please Be aware=

This means you may be playing a character with a background in world of darkness, while another may be playing a character based off lord of the rings, cyberpunk, The sandman, Grimm, Fairytales, or so so many more lore’s that we have all come to love and enjoy.

Appearance Guidelines

Appearance Restrictions

No Child Avatars- No exceptions [if your character appears too young, you will be asked to change.]

  • No Furry Avatars - Again, we do not allow permanently shifted animals of any type [you must have a human form in order to play at rise]

  • No cartoon/Anime Characters

  • No excessive particle effects or lag causing items

  • No licensed characters or copyrighted content

  • No historical figures

  • All shifted avatars must fit the guidelines listed here, note that there may be other available avatars we are unaware of and would be happy to add them below if brought to our attention: