1. Have patience and Be kind.

    This is what we believe to be the most important rule, especially as we are an online community. Second Life is not actually a large grid. We understand this, we know that not everyone gets along with everyone else. That's okay. You are not required to interact with people you don't like. That said, we all know that there is a kind way to address human beings. It really is easy to forget that there are beings with emotions on the other side of the screen you’re staring at, and its important to be kind even when you dislike some ones choices, or do not enjoy some ones company.

    Please mind your topics as we like to provide a safe space for everyone. You are allowed to block players and not interact with them at your own discretion. That said, We do not allow Hate speech of any kind, including but not limited to Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Ablest, or other slurs. (we do not enforce nor take part in player ban lists) Remember, if you don’t have something nice to say, kindly step away from your keyboard.

    This does include in any directly and non directly affiliated chats, groups, blogs, posts, ect.

  2. Have Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust.

    When staff make decisions, those decisions are upheld and supported by all of the team. We are here to make sure everyone has a fun and safe environment, this means that sometimes you may not like every decision made. However, trust that we make every decision with our players and the sims best interest at heart

    This means that attempting to cherry pick your staff member based off friendship, or assumption that they will give you a different response is not only disallowed, but will result in a formal warning.

  3. Change your Fate

    Our Lore Team has worked tirelessly to ensure as many races, magicks and more are included in your character creation. We're not here to stifle your creativity in character creation, however, characters with excessive immortality, or impenetrability, will not at any point be allowed within Rise Roleplay. If there are any questions of appropriateness for the sim, reach out to a member of staff, and we'll help you hopefully reach a point of being content with the outcome for your character.

    Additionally, if staff reaches out to you with a problem with your character build or character appearance, please kindly work with us to address the issue as we are here to make sure the playground is shared fairly with everyone.

  4. We are Ohana

    Rise Roleplay and its staff does not permit OOC Groups, Factions, or Discord’s that pertain to the sim. This includes personal servers/groups or other things directly connected to the sim. this means we ask that you don't make channels or vc’s specific to Rise Roleplay in your own servers to avoid unnecessary conflict that we cannot help with on issues that may arise.

    If you are found in possession of such things, it will be in direct violation of our rules and will be asked to leave Rise. In character, there are obviously groups, crews, cities, packs. We believe all groups should be formed icly, and not have ooc restrictions. These things can draw away from roleplay.

    We know that this sounds like a bummer. But as we run a skeleton staff crew we like to ensure that our staff isn't spread too thin with moderation, There are channels within the discord for Area chats, Guild chats, And more. We ask that you help us keep our workloads small enough to keep playing with you, and follow this rule for us. Thanks!

  5. Chase your dreams, touch the wind and the sky.

    However, please note that as we do not allow discord’s, or outside groups, any roleplay done outside of the sim cannot be policed by our staff and is therefore strongly discouraged. If you decide to engage in roleplay outside of the sim be aware you do so at your own risk.

  6. Hakuna Your Tatas

    We understand many have interests, kinks, and tastes in different things. That said Anything of a cartoonish variety, out of the realm of matching the general aesthetic of the rest of the sim, i.e. most common furry avatars would be out of place within the Tales of Enchantment Setting, anime heads are applicable within this rule all the same and will fall under the same scrutiny. If in doubt, seek out a member of staff for approval and we'll determine if it looks acceptable for the sim. Ultimately, it is up to the owner and admins if you fit the theme of the sim.

    YES WE DO ACCEPT BESPOKE HEADS, HOWEVER. The horse head, and Unicorn head are not allowed on Rise. Additionally, Avatars created with these heads will be left to the staff's discretion as to whether or not they have been created in a way that would classify them as a “furry avatar” instead of a realistic creature as Rise is not a Furry Roleplay sim.

  7. To infinity and beyond!!!.... With consent.

    While this is an adult sim, we expect you to Respect each other. Adhere to each other's limits. You are not allowed to push sexual roleplay, perma-death or other situations on players who have stated no. As a reminder to everyone what the expectation of consent is- Consent is an informed and freely and affirmatively communicated willingness to participate in a particular sexual activity. Consent can be given by word or action and an individual may remove consent at any time during the sexual act either verbally or nonverbally.

    At its core, freeform is about giving the other players a chance to understand, consent, and react to the contents of your post. The importance of your personal story shouldn’t be overlooked, but you are advised to help other players achieve their character goals during play. This is why we must strictly remember in all things, consent consent consent. Failing an action due to a roll can be caused by any number of reasons; your character might have misjudged their opponent, a drunk NPC outing your position, guns jamming, your chronic hiccups cropping up at the worst moment, etc. Whatever the explanation, it should never require other players to change their posts to facilitate yours without OOC agreement. This is why we use language in our posts such as attempts, aims, tries to. In some cases, you can roll before your post to allow you to know the outcome of your roll in order to schedule your post as such. Remember that in both of these scenarios, you are able to describe your attempt and intention, but you are not able to describe the detail with which your attack or actions land on another player.

  8. Its like he’s trying to speak to me i know it..

    I know not everyone is from the same country, however, it is hard to feel included when not everyone can understand, and therefore we do require that English is to be the spoken language for our Sim. We understand that it may not be everyone’s first language, and that your characters may speak other languages. You may use other languages icly when needed, however please use translations for them or use brackets [ ] to symbolize speaking in a different language.

  9. PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER…. Itty bitty living space

    We love seeing all of the creativity and imagination that can go into your avatars. However, as will the limitations of the sim build, large player base, and attempt to decrease lag for those without monster PCs, Not all Beast Avatars are allowed on sim. Below are listed someone of the avatars allowed for players who would like to play dragons, wolves, shifters, Ect. and the largest size allowed for each. (PLEASE NOTE THESE ARE SHIFTED FORMS ONLY AND CANNOT BE A PERMANENT FORM.)

    For all other racial traits, sizing, and appearance rules please check [Appearance Guidelines]

OOC Rules