The Supernatural

All groups are wounded by attacks if agreed to in freeform roleplay or if they lose a roll. See Combat Rules for more information. See OOC Guide for avatar appearance guidelines.

Magical creatures that originate from fairy tales are colloquially known as the Fey. Elves, dwarves, fairies, angels, and demons are all a part of this category. They’re a varied group who tend to have commonalities more than anything else. See Appearance Rules for details. 

Beyond their appearance and the presence of aether in their body, the Fae have equal capabilities to humans. These characters tend to find wounds from iron to be slightly more painful, though they take no extra damage from it; it’s suspected that this is caused by the aether in their body reacting to the metal.

Magical creatures with abilities beyond human capabilities are known as the Supernatural. These creatures consist of vampires, werewolves, and animal-human hybrids. Silver weapons of sufficient purity will often inflict more pain, but not more damage in the exact same fashion as the Fey and Iron. Also similar to the Fey, Supernaturals may differ between each other. There have been cases where vampires are not visible in either mirrors or photos, and religious paraphernalia has middling effects as well.